Simple ideas to get it all done with a baby at home
COVID-19 has changed our daily routines (for some of us, A LOT!) and these new circumstances pose new challenges of working from home. Multi-tasking is the new name of the game. Maybe you now have a spouse working from home, maybe you're also working from home, you need to keep baby busy during work calls, keep your sanity, still grab a shower, walk the dog, make meals... the list is long, am I right?
Before we dive in, please hear this: you can’t do it all, and that what you’re already doing is enough. This is a strange and uncertain time, and trying to take on too much can lead to overwhelm and difficulty moving forward. If you’re still feeling like all you’re doing is damage control, maybe you’re not ready to focus your energy here, and that is ok. You and your baby will come out of this just fine, we promise! When you do get into a good routine and you are ready to make the most out of your baby’s time while you’re all home, keep reading. We’ve had years of experience working from home, and we hope some of these things will be useful for you or spark ideas for how to incorporate some of these ideas into your own busy day.
Preparation is key to success:
Engage with your baby for some good quality time before you get on a call. Put your phone away and really get down and give them your full attention. The increased oxytocin you get from those sweet back and forth coos will decrease both your stress levels.
Set up your work station where your baby can easily see and hear you. Sitting on the floor near your baby may give them some entertainment and keep them occupied for longer than if you were sitting across the room
Change their diaper and feed them before your call. OR pre-load some snacks into a little bowl (we like this one) so they have something to keep them busy while you’re working.
Make a loose schedule and take turns being the “on” parent if both mom and dad are working from home. This gives baby more connection throughout the day and may help you focus and actually get some work done during your “off-duty” time.
Know your baby’s typical schedule and keep an eye on cues that baby is getting sleepy or tired. Avoiding an over-hungry or over-tired baby will significantly improve the day for both of you!
Below - Our Top 5 Quick and Easy ideas to keep baby busy while you have to multi-task:
Hang new items from the activity gym with links like these. They can be simple household objects but novelty is key. Try a bath loofa, a handheld mirror, car keys, dog collar, wash rag, whisk…
Grab your kitchen whisk, stuff a bunch of cotton balls or craft poms inside, hand it to baby and watch them work their fingers trying to get the balls out (supervision of course!)
Fill a zip lock bag with water and add in some foam bath letters, ice cubes, frozen fruit, craft poms... This should keep their little hands busy for a while. You can also tape the bag to the floor with painters tape to keep them from mouthing it too much or for motivation during tummy time
Stack plastic cups in different ways on the floor or arrange them in a circle around a baby who is pivoting in tummy time.
Try ice cubes on a cookie sheet or muffin tin. If baby is a little older, add in a big kitchen spoon for scooping too - this usually keeps little hands busy for a while!
Wondering how to get through the housework too? Check out a recent blog post here for more ideas to get through your busy day.
Working from home with a baby who needs you can be daunting. We hope these ideas help spark your creative juices. Remember, it doesn’t need to be complicated, it usually just needs to be a
new-ish idea they haven’t seen in a while to capture their attention. Make sure you tag us on social media when you get some activities going!
We’re Jaclyn & Bree
Pediatric therapists and moms with a mission to empower you with knowledge to encourage your baby’s development and continue confidently into your parenthood journey.
If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below and we will get back to you. As always, the information we share is meant to provide general education and tips and is not intended as medical advice. If you have a specific question or concern about your child’s development, please speak directly to your child’s doctor or therapist.