
Floor Play Ideas for Every Stage of Development

Floor Play Ideas for Every Stage of Development

Parents often hear that tummy time is important for babies but research supports that floor play is actually very important for every stage of baby’s motor development. That’s why we’re passionate about our “The Floor Builds the Core concept which states that a baby gets stronger and masters motor skills by learning how to move in and out of positions while they’re on the floor.

More info here on the movement science behind our “The Floor Builds the Core™” framework.

Play to Prepare for Walking

Play to Prepare for Walking

Babies need to progress through motor skills to master them and then build on them. Strength and endurance are gained through play in preparatory positions like kneeling, squatting, cruising, or walking behind a push toy. Most parents are dying to celebrate first steps, but don’t rush it! Here are some fun and easy ways to play to strengthen baby for first steps.

How to Play with a Wobbly Sitting Baby

How to Play with a Wobbly Sitting Baby

Did you know that sitting is only functional if you can do something there - like reach or watch something? Well, being placed in sitting but not being able to do anything, reach for anything, play, or get in and out of the position isn’t very functional for baby. And you know we’re all about functional play around here! Below you’ll find ways to play with your babe throughout the progression of learning to sit .

Play Activities for Baby Hands

Play Activities for Baby Hands

Did you know that hand skills are developed through crawling? ⁠It's true! Crawling develops the upper body and the arches of the hands which later helps with holding a fork, writing, tying shoes and lots more! Here, you’ll find simple play ideas to help develop baby hands from birth through the first year.

Baby's Hands - The Foundation to Dexterity

Baby's Hands - The Foundation to Dexterity

Hand skills develop through experience and trial and error learning. They affect how we interact with the world, play, feed ourselves, write, get dressed and can even affect language skills. More info here on hand development through the first year and how to use play to help promote it.