gross motor skills

Floor Play Ideas for Every Stage of Development

Floor Play Ideas for Every Stage of Development

Parents often hear that tummy time is important for babies but research supports that floor play is actually very important for every stage of baby’s motor development. That’s why we’re passionate about our “The Floor Builds the Core concept which states that a baby gets stronger and masters motor skills by learning how to move in and out of positions while they’re on the floor.

More info here on the movement science behind our “The Floor Builds the Core™” framework.

Sitting - How to Teach a Baby to Sit

Sitting - How to Teach a Baby to Sit

Sitting is a functional skill for eating, play, and a lot more. Sitting is also a progression of skills. Here, we walk you through simple play ideas to help your baby become a confident sitter, safe feeder, and independent player.

How to Encourage Your Baby to Take First Steps

How to Encourage Your Baby to Take First Steps

One of my most commonly asked questions from parents is, “How do I teach my baby to walk? He seems close!” Without seeing your child, it’s hard to say exactly why he isn’t walking yet, but it is most often because he needs to do a little more strength and endurance work before he is really ready to take those first dynamic steps unsupported- it is a ton of work!